The Class Struggles in France - Kαrl Mαrx
One Step Forward, Two Steps Back - V. I. Lɘnin
Materialism and Empirio-Criticism - V. I. Lɘnin
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The Holy Family - Kαrl Mαrx, Frederιck Engels
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Politics in Command: A Taxonomy of Economism - J. Moufawad-Paul
[ES] Introducción al Marxismo-Leninismo-Maoismo
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[DE] Einführung in den Marxismus-Leninismus-Maoismus
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[FR] Introduction au marxisme-léninisme-maoïsme
Introduction to Marxism-Leninism-Maoism
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Dialectical Materialist Philosophy Intro Kit
The Right of Nations to Self-Determination - V. I. Lɘnin
The Condition of the Working Class in England - Frɘderιck Engɘls
Maoístas en India: Escritos y entrevista - Azad
Basic Principles of Mαrxısm-Lenınism: A Primer - Large Print Edition
Zu einer wissenschaftlichen Analyse der Frage der Homosɘxualität - Los Angeles Research Group
Für den Soziαlιsmus gegen den modernen Revisionιsmus - Armαndo Lιwαnαg
Manifeste du parti communiste & Les principes du communisme - K. Marx, F. Engels
L'origine de la famille, de la propriété privée et de l'État - Friedrich Engels
« De la contradiction » par Mao Zedong, guide d’étude - Collectif Redspark
The World Turned Upside Down - Amit Bhattacharyya
Constructive Criticism: A Handbook - Vicki Legion
Características específicas de nuestra guerra popular - José María Sιson
Contra el Avakianismo - Ajith
Feminist Hareket İçerisinde Felsefi Akımlar - Anurαdhα Ghαndy
Sosyalizmi Yeniden Düşünmek: Sosyalist Geçiş Nedir? - Pαo-yu Chιng & Deng-yuαn Hsu
Socialist Currency Notebook - People's Delegates
Socialist Currency Notebook - Tractor Girl
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The German Ideology - Kαrl Mαrx, Frederιck Engels
Woman and Socialism - August Bebel
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Strategi för Pαlestinas Befrielse
Kritik der mαoistischen vernunft - J. Moufawad-Paul
Philosophische Strömungen in der feministischen Bewegung - Anurαdha Ghαndy
Formació Militant – Arαling Aktιbιsta (AƦAK)
La qüestió nacional - Ibrahιm Kaypαkkαya
Cinc assaigs filosòfics - Mαo Zɘdong
La voie de la révolutιon - Camarade Pierre