Material - Issue No. 2

Material - Issue No. 2


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- Editor’s Note
- "The Immanent Garrison: Settlerism as Institutionalized Ideology" by Joshua Moufawad-Paul
- "Position of Innocence: Initial Thoughts on Settler Ideology and Victimhood in Canada" by Alexandra Lepine
- "Kızılırmak" by Hasan Hüseyin Korkmazgil
- "'An Incurable Disease Called Hope': an interview with Abdaljawad Omar"
- "The Working of the Neo-Colonial Mind & Evading the Neo-Colonial Trap" by K. Murali (Ajith)
- "The Universe as Vast as Our Longings" by Benjanun Sriduangkaew
- "Advance and Retreat: Sinn Féin and the “Compradorification” of the Revolutionary Party" by Owain Rhys Phillips
- "From the Archives: Excerpts from the Second Congress"
- "Lenin and the War · Part 2" by T. Derbent